HIMSS TV is your Insider’s Guide to everything HIMSS. We are the world’s first online broadcasting network, focused on global innovation and how information and technology are driving change in healthcare.
Four HIMSS Media editors discuss Oracle’s $28.3 billion buy, how industry analysts are reacting and what else might be on the docket for 2022.
After the pandemic, Indonesians are back to seeking consultations in person but SMC Telogorejo Hospital keeps it for a specific patient sector, shares president director Dr Alice Sutedjo Lisa.
The attacks haven't changed but the interconnectedness of hospitals with each other and third parties means when one is impacted, the entire health system can be affected, says Dr. Benoit Desjardins, a professor at the University of Montreal.
At the center of the organization's values is providing a better patient experience. The hospital wants to stand out in the crowd. And awards and patient feedback bolster the heart hospital's focus.