HIMSS TV is your Insider’s Guide to everything HIMSS. We are the world’s first online broadcasting network, focused on global innovation and how information and technology are driving change in healthcare.
Zoom Global Healthcare Lead Ron Emerson discusses the lasting changes to the healthcare industry coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Henry Yoo, GM of Medicore in South Korea, explains how the company underpins its cardiovascular and stress prevention medical devices with clinical research on a global scale.
Myung-Jin Shin, CEO of Heuron explains the company's use of rapid imaging to provide early diagnosis of brain conditions including stroke, Parkinson's and dementia, demonstrated in research trials in the US and the Netherlands
Microsoft's chief clinical information officer Dr. Umang Patel and Peter Hands, CISO of the British Medical Association (BMA), discuss how Commvault and Microsoft helped BMA strengthen its security posture.